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The Pledge, the Pin & the Praxis:

A Consciousness Campaign During the “Season for Nonviolence”!

Coinciding with the “Season for Nonviolence“, Commonway is sponsoring 64 days of meditation, reflection, discussion and ACTION!

For 64 days, from 30 January until 4 April, I am asking you to join me in practicing some effective ways to move our society to transformation and health.

We have created a campaign where there is a very low threshold for involvement.


For the 64 days of the “Season for Nonviolence”, I commit to saying the 3 parts of the Pledge out loud (at least to myself):

  1. I pledge that my primary goal is to create a world that works for all living beings.
  2. As a symbol of my pledge, I will wear my Earth button each day.
  3. I pledge that to take some action each day to awaken humanity to create a world that works for all living beings.


My Praxis is my set of behaviors that is consistent with my beliefs, ideas, perceptions and world-view.  

For example: 

  • If my belief is “good health”, my praxis may include eating organic meals, taking vitamins and supplements, cutting out “junk” food, going to the gym… 
  • If my belief is “compassion”, my praxis may include being aware of how I treat other beings, attempting to lessen the pain and suffering of others, defending the rights of others (including non-human beings.)
What is your Praxis when your belief is that the world CAN, and SHOULD, work for ALL LIVING BEINGS?


  • Spending time each day with the Daily Campaign Quote, a lesson from one of the Leaders of Societal Transformation  [SEE EXAMPLE LINK]
  • Read and contemplate on the teaching.
  • Spend time journaling your thoughts.
  • Share your thoughts with at least one other person.


Taking a positive, inclusive action to create/support a world that works for all beings is the most important part of this Campaign.  DO SOMETHING! No matter how small you think it is. Your action will create powerful energy for transformation.

Actions will include:

  • Spreading the Meme:
    • Wearing button
    • Giving away buttons/stickers
    • Starting conversations
  • Dialogs with groups
  • The Alternative/Additional “Campaign”
  • Attend workshops and trainings
  • Modeling nonviolence and inclusivity through appropriate activities
  • Organizing group meditations and discussions

Conversation Bullet Points:

One reason people don’t engage in transformative  discussions is that they feel ill-prepared to do so.  Because of this, conversations by default wander back to discussions of:

  • What’s going wrong (or, what did I see on the news today).
  • Why nothing will change.
  • Why I’m depressed or angry.

Our conversations will be both positive and transformative!  A few points to remember:

  • “A World That Works for All” means “ALL LIVING BEINGS”, not (just):
    • All people
    • All humanity
    • All of the people that I like
    • Corporations (at all)
  • “A World That Works for All” is not:
    • “Make the World a Better Place”, because it is:
      • Non-Specific
      • Non-Measurable
      • Separatist and exclusivist (people like Adolf Hitler could say it)
  • “A World That Works for All” does not mean “A Perfect World”:
    • Perfection is non-achievable (a fantasy)