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… helping you understand your deepest challenges, then focusing on your largest, most inclusive solutions…

Shariff consults with individuals , government agencies, businesses and social service organizations working on the leading edge of change.

Using his experiences as a lawyer, an activist, a world-traveler and a student of many wisdom traditions, Shariff offers a combination of timeless wisdom and practical advice in:

  • Inclusivity and diversity assessment and enhancement
  • Authentic and effective leadership
  • Values clarification and application
  • Effective communication (eliminating internal filters and barriers, while honoring differing points of view)
  • Shaping organizational culture and politics
  • Conflict identification and conflict resolution
  • Decision-making, risk-management and turbulence assessment
  • Organizational systems and structure

Representative clients include:

  • City, State and Federal agencies: US Forest Service; State of Oregon (OLCC); Bureau of Transportation, Portland, OR
  • Educational institutions: Portland Public Schools; Portland Community College; numerous colleges and universities
  • Businesses and Organizations: Freightliner; Neighborhood Partnership Fund
  • International Organizations: United Nations; Sarvodaya (Sri Lanka); SEOP (Brazil); Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (Switzerland)

Please take one minute to view this video of Shariff Abdullah, speaking on “A World for All”: