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What people are saying about Shariff...

“We’ve been aware of Shariff’s extraordinary work for over two decades. We’ve shared many in-depth conversations both on-air for our worldwide broadcasts and in business gatherings. He’s a real “hands-on” guy when it comes to peace negotiations and conflict resolution. He works on the deepest level to bring communities and individuals together.”
Justine Toms
Co-Founder, Managing Producer, New Dimensions Media
“Shariff is a broad and positive thinker specializing in cultural differences, especially our own. He is a resource to understanding our own and other societies and how to work with and within them to successful ends. Building of community is his specialty. An engaging and compelling presenter, Shariff is an inspired and inspiring teacher for all of us who don’t quite see or grasp the cultural environment we work and live in. I highly recommend Shariff.”
Charles Adams
Director, US Department of Homeland Security (Ret.)
“Shariff is an exceptional person with vision, courage, and force. He has done extremely valuable work in US and in Sri Lanka in non-violent reconciliation and peace action. He is also a visionnaire who understands in which transformational period the world is. His books are very interesting and prophetic. We need more people like him, in our world."
Marc Luyckx Ghisi, Brussels
VP COTRUGLI Business School, Association of HR Professionals
“There are a lot of projects out there that are addressing world problems – hunger, war, the environment, HIV+, and a host of others. But few have the vision or wisdom to go to the root of all those problems and more. Shariff is one of those visionaries who is working on the systemic, cultural level of transformation of consciousness."
J. Kim Wright
Publisher and Managing Editor, CuttingEdgeLaw.com
“Shariff generously shared his insights and wisdom with me … I found the concepts in our session and his book to be both practical and revolutionary. Shariff has a big heart, a calm mind, and a huge commitment to serve humanity in his work… highly recommended.”
Sally Mabelle
Director, Sally Mabelle Limited
“Shariff presents novel ideas and approaches to solve what appear to be unsolvable problems. I would say that he thinks outside the box but Shariff reframes situations so the box isn’t even present. A truly creative thinker.”
Gil Winkelman
Owner, Insights to Health
“Shariff is a compassionate, inclusive leader, businessman, and friend. He always considers the bigger picture, and the interconnectedness of all systems and people. Empowering others with his own wisdom and action is the basis of Shariff’s charisma, and people flock to be in his cool, humble, humorous presence."
Starr Sheppard-Decker
Religious Science Practitioner (R.Sc.P.), Portland Center for Spiritual Living
“Shariff has always been that rare individual who walks his talk. Rather than opting for cushy consulting assignments in Fortune 100 companies (which, with his qualifications, he could easily land), he goes into civil war-torn areas to try and help those suffering. Many people talk about change, few people actually put their own life on the line to help bring change about. Shariff is one of those few who does.”
Jeevan Sivasubramaniam
Executive Managing Editor, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. [Publisher of “Creating a World That Works for All]
“Humanitarian, peacemaker, activist and writer, Shariff’s work on leadership transforms lives, neighborhoods, and workplaces. We are honored to publish “The Power of One: Authentic Leadership in Turbulent Times”. A revolution in consciousness, this little book is a milestone on the road to sustainability.”
Judith Plant
Owner, New Society Publishers
"He is such a dynamic speaker, has such a humble heart for such a huge visionary and makes everyone feel welcome.I would recommend anyone who is interested in learning more about inclusivity according to Shariff’s perspective to connect with him."
Arisana Tolomei
“Few people I know have made a greater contribution to life as a result of the challenges of their early life than Shariff. As the consummate seeker and visionary of life’s greater possibilities, he has inspired me and my friends to refuse to accept the injustices and inequities of our society, but to work toward “a world that works for all” just as he does in every waking moment. If his ideas make you uncomfortable, he has been doing his best work to transform the status quo.”
Dianne Eppler Adams
Owner/Astrological Consultant/Writer, Spirit in Matters
“I have hired Shariff as a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator, participated in his tele-seminar, witnessed his international work and read his books. In each encounter, Shariff has been exceptionally informative and inspiring not only because of what he has done but because of whom he is. It is rare to meet a person so accomplished and professional who is also so personable and engaging. It is also rare to meet such a passionate visionary who is also such a dedicated activist. Shariff is an insightful guide to a world that will ‘work for all’. If you would like to create that world for yourself and for the future, I highly recommend you support, engage and/or promote Shariff now."
Leslie Hamilton
Corporate Coach, FutureScape, Auckland, New Zealand; International Coach Federation of Australasia Board Member
“I first met Shariff in St. Petersberg, Russia, as a presenter. He impressed me with not only his talk, but with his humanity. He is a valuable resource and catalyst for change. He was a contributor to my bookset, “The Psychology of Terrorism.” He brings a powerful intellect, backed-up by seemingly endless horsepower, to make a true and lasting difference in the world. I am proud to know him.”
Dr. Chris E. Stout
Founding Director, Center for Global Initiatives
“Shariff is an inspiring, visionary thinker about social transformation. He is also a dynamic activist and a compelling public speaker.”
Jay Earley
“Shariff is a visionary leader who works hard to attain practical results that are consistent with the values articulated in his vision. He consistently strives to maintain the highest levels of integrity. I have worked with him on various projects for Commonway starting over ten years ago when he was writing Creating A World That Works For All and recently on his newest book Seven Seeds For A New Society.”
Don Berg
Founder, Attitutor Services
“Shariff and I have worked together on behalf of the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement of Sri Lanka… I have seen Shariff gain the trust of major players and thinkers in that organization by telling them the sometimes hard to accept truth, thinking big and outside the box, and helping them formulate a just and fair plan of action that everyone can agree on. Not many people can do that. I recommend him without reservation.”
Denese Ashbaugh Vlosky
Social Development Consultant, Louisiana State University
“I have worked with Shariff as a member of our board of directors (Assn. for Humanistic Psychology) and as a presenter, for both AHP and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. He is a man of great heart, spirit, vision and determination. I admire his courage and willingness to follow his words with action even in the face of grave danger (in Sri Lanka). He is a man of peace and action both, and he holds a most powerful vision of what is possible.”
M.A. Bjarkman
President, The Coinference Works!