When does the workshop start?
The NEW start date is Wednesday, 23 March, 2022, and will consist of 6 consecutive WEDNESDAYS.
Session 01: 03/23/2022
Session 02: 03/30/2022
Session 03: 04/06/2022
Session 04: 04/13/2022
Session 05: 04/20/2022
Session 06: 04/27/2022
How many sessions?
A total of six.
What time does it start?
The time frame is 10AM TO 12 noon (Pacific). Time is optimized for UK/Central Europe.
What is the cost of the workshop? Are there group discounts?
SOLO: The cost of the workshop for individuals is $300 USD.
COUPLE: The cost per couple is $500 USD. ($250 per person)
SMALL GROUP: The cost for 3-5 people registering together is $225 per person.
MEDIUM GROUP: The cost for 6-10 people registering together is $200 per person.
LARGER GROUP: Please contact for a quote.
To access group rates: Send an email to, with the number of people in your group, and whether or not you want your group to have private breakout sessions.
Is the workbook, “Practicing the 12 Steps of Inclusivity” necessary for the course? What is the cost of the workbook? Is there a discount for the workbook?
Yes, the workbook is essential to the course. All questions and themes will originate from the workbook.
The cost of the workbook is $20.00.
DISCOUNT: People who register by 11:00pm on 20 March, will receive the workbook AT NO COST (a $5.00 shipping and handling charge will apply). Please register early to ensure receipt of the book before the start of the course.
What is the FORMAT for the sessions?
Each 120 minute session will be highly participative, with lessons, exercises, small group work and Q&A time.
In each 2 hour session, for the first hour Shariff Abdullah will make a presentation (20-40 minutes) and will engage with participants in Q&A and discussion. In the second hour, small groups will discuss the questions/themes selected for that session. All groups will come back together at the end for a conclusion.
I am registering with a group. Can our group be in its own dedicated Breakout Session?
Yes. Your group can work through its own issues at its own speed. Your group can even schedule additional discussion sessions. Please contact for more information and to register for a group breakout session.
Can our group arrange for additional sessions?
Yes, that is completely up to the group if they want more discussion times. (If the group wants the services of a facilitator, that would involve an additional charge.
Will sessions be recorded?
The sessions will be recorded and the recordings will be made available to all registered participants. People in dedicated small groups will have their group recorded and made available to the members of their group ONLY.
People not in designated small groups will not have their small group sessions recorded (unless pre-arranged).
What is the Preliminary Agenda?
Week 01: Background, Overview, Steps 1 & 2.
Week 02: Steps 3, 4 & 5.
Week 03: Steps 6, 7 & 8.
Week 04: Steps 9-1 & 9-2.
Week 05: Steps 10, 11 & 12.
Week 06: Conclusions and Next Steps.
If I take advantage of the money back guarantee at the end of the first session, will I have to pay for the workbook?
If you take the money-back option by canceling your registration after the first session, you will have the option to either: (1) Keep the workbook. If so, you will have your fee refunded, minus the $20. cost of the workbook. OR (2) you may return the workbook (UNUSED) at your expense. If so, you will have 100% of your fee refunded.