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[Print this page (in grayscale) to write your journal.  Use the back for more writing space.]

DAY 08

The Campaign

for an

Awakening Humanity

The Season for 


Quote of the Day...

Day 09


.1. I pledge that my primary goal is to create a world that works for all living beings.

.2. As a symbol of my pledge, I will wear my Earth button each day.

.3. I pledge that to take some action each day to awaken humanity to create a world that works for all living beings.

(Say this out loud, for each of the 64 days of the Campaign. Note any feelings that arise for you. Your pledge is to the Highest Power that you can envision.)



(Meditate for an appropriate time (5 minutes or more) on the thought seeds of the day. Write any insights or awareness in your journal.)


Questions of the Day:

.1. Do you believe that “A World for All” is possible? Necessary? Desirable?

..2. What is a vision that weaves all of us together?


Use this time and the space below to write down any impressions from yesterday’s actions. What did you learn? Who did you interact with?









Praxis/ Actions...

What will you do today? What do you intend? What is one step outside of your comfort zone that you will take?

(Take an action today that demonstrates your pledge. It does not have to be huge or profound. Tell others what you’ve done.)


Join others in the Discussion Area below, to share ideas, visions and stories of the Campaign for an Awakening Humanity.

Please use the “Comments” section for your discussions with other Campaigners.

[Please be MINDFUL that what you write below in the “Comments” section will be seen by all who are registered with the Campaign for an Awakening Humanity. ]

[In making your comments, please be mindful, compassionate, respectful and positive with your fellow Campaigners. Ask questions before you make assumptions. We’re all in this together.]


The Inclusivity Prayer...

May I be well…

May I be secure…

May I be happy.

                            May you be well…

                            May you be secure…

                            May you be happy.

May all beings be well…

May all beings be secure…

May all beings be happy.

(Say this prayer/mantra/affirmation out loud at the end of your daily session. Note any particular thoughts or feelings that may arise for you. This is a prayers that does not require a prior belief, dogma or faith.)

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