Global Challenges
Video 12: Regardless of what we believe, the world does not revolve around the whims of Americans. For us to see our way clearly into the 21st Century and beyond, we must learn to see beyond our borders. We...
Video 12: Regardless of what we believe, the world does not revolve around the whims of Americans. For us to see our way clearly into the 21st Century and beyond, we must learn to see beyond our borders. We...
Video 11: The Left and the Right represent the path to a toxic status quo. To solve our challenges, we need a new form of consciousness. Feeling good about wasting time (breaking windows).
VIDEO 10: Beyond Spirituals. Envisioning Our Future means more than celebrating our heroes past efforts. We must learn to envision an inclusive world for all living beings.
VIDEO 9: The late Vaclav Havel said that each of us forms the bars of our own prisons. How do we break free? We are the vanguard of a profound shift in consciousness.
VIDEO 8: At Commonway, our job is to transform our dysfunctional societies, through a collective shift in human consciousness. Transcending our “Caterpillar Consciousness” is the single most important thing that we must do. It’s time to become the butterfly.
VIDEO 7: Now is the time…. Now is YOUR time… You are being invited to participate in some “small steps” — that can have big impact. Think back to Gandhi’s Salt March, or Rosa Park’s brave stance – by...
VIDEO 6: Through the distorting lens of social media, people on all sides feel justified in calling their ‘Other’ vile, disgusting and dehumanizing names. This dehumanization is the first step in genocide (of the Left or the Right. Or...
VIDEO 5: Do you feel connected, or alienated? A part of society, or apart from society? With a new perspective, ALL of us can feel part of an inclusive society.
VIDEO 4: The mainstream politicians and media frame our societal problems in order to divide and enflame us. They do this in order to divide and control. But, we can re-frame our challenges, so that we all can come...
VIDEO 3: Like every other human society, we are witnessing the passing of the “American Empire”. “Rome Dies”… but you don’t have to die with it…