Home > Blog: Currents & Futures > “American Revolutionary” Grace Lee Boggs

   From Sharif Abdullah:


I don’t have many living teachers.  The field of “Societal Transformation” is a narrow one.

One of my teachers is my friend Grace Lee Boggs of Detroit.  I hope to be as focused, as committed and as active in my late-90’s as she is today.

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The last time I saw Grace was at a conference we both attended at Fetzer Institute.  The sign of being in the presence of a teacher: I talk less and write more! (I have talked about my friend Grace in an earlier writing, during the “Occupy” phenomenon:  Grace Lee Boggs and Occupy Together.)

I think the title to the film is aptly named: “American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs”.  Grace has been in the thick of societal transformation… since before I was born!  For us, “societal transformation” does not mean ignoring the conditions of the world… it means being deeply moved, by love and compassion, to take effective action.

Even in her 90’s, Grace PUSHES me to excel, to try harder — even if all I’m doing is trying to catch up with her.

“American Revolutionary” is currently making the rounds of PBS stations — please check your listings for dates and times in your area.



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