Charlottesville and Barcelona: A Tale of Two Vehicles
When the game is fixed… play a different game. When the deck is stacked against you, start playing checkers. Or ice hockey. Or ANYTHING but cards.
When the game is fixed… play a different game. When the deck is stacked against you, start playing checkers. Or ice hockey. Or ANYTHING but cards.
Do I want to ‘Create a World That Works for…” Nazis and Skinheads? HELL NO! And... It’s the wrong question.
The problem is that Donald Trump represents the caterpillar. (And Hillary Clinton represented just a different caterpillar.) The solution is that we need the BUTTERFLY...
Just when we think we can’t get worked up any more, something even more horrible comes along...
backcasting and through casting...
I said, “Name one book of speculative ("science") fiction that provides a positive future for humanity..." Tom Atlee named three...
Book One - 2015-2035. Book Two - 2055-2085. Book Three - 2085-2125.
Violence is psychotic...
Want to know why our times feel so perilous? It’s called a failure of imagination...
Greetings; In mid-July, I returned to the city of Merida, in the Yucatan area of Mexico, for the purpose of finishing my latest book. It didn’t get finished. Needless to say, I was pretty bummed out about that. But,...