New Directions for Commonway:The Message from the Cave
When I was in the cave on the Douk River, I "received" the information that I talk about in this video...
When I was in the cave on the Douk River, I "received" the information that I talk about in this video...
...a 12 minute video tour of my 3-day "home"...
What I had expected from the most famous and well-respected oracle was some level of “slick” or “polished”. What I had NOT expected was the tiny granny at my feet, washing clothes.
I just spent 3 days in a cave on the Douk River, not eating, calling forward my revelation. And, I found it...
Can we create a "Society of Ordinary Ecstasy"?
Tsering Dolma is one of the poorest people I’ve ever met. And, paradoxically, Tsering Dolma is also one of the richest women I’ve ever met.
When Life doesn’t offer you a choice, don’t act like you’ve got one. ...