REPARATION, Part II- Response to Shelia Jackson Lee H.R.40
Video 32: “Fanning the Flames of Our Divisions” What do we believe about our hot-button societal issues? We can choose to see these as separating issues, or we can choose to come together.
Video 32: “Fanning the Flames of Our Divisions” What do we believe about our hot-button societal issues? We can choose to see these as separating issues, or we can choose to come together.
Video 31: For decades, even centuries, well before the existence of the internet and mass media, Americans have been manipulated in their thinking about key issues in our society. Who does NOT want us to awaken our compassion?
Video 30: It’s not about “white supremacy” or “white privilege” or “white anything”. It’s about changing ALL of our behavior, not just one group. #frontline, #americasgreatdivide, #adamhinds
“The Mess” can only be resolved through a revolution in consciousness. A revolution in YOUR consciousness. #frontline, #americasgreatdivide, #adamhinds
Video 28: When you focus on the wrong issues, on shallow issues, on media-driven issues and on vision-less solutions, you are creating and perpetuating the problems.
Video 27: As we go about our days, we have the opportunity to strengthen… or weaken… the hearts of others. What you choose to do will strengthen (or weaken) your own heart.
Video 26: How can you “cure” something that you are ignorant about?
Video 25: What we call “mental illness” is in reality “societal illness”. We have NO means to address this challenge.
Video 24: When trying to do something that’s innovative and visionary, we are confronted by the elements of the Breaker status quo. YouTube video for Hazelnut Grove alternative housing encampment: YouTube video for dome homes:
Video 23: This video is based on the “Seattle is Dying” video, . In order the understand this video, you have to watch Part 01 – Understanding the Problems Once we let go of our “I am...